Sunday, August 23, 2020
Marbury V. Madison Essays - 6th United States Congress,
Marbury v. Madison Protected Law Marbury v. Madison Marbury v. Madison, one of the main Supreme Court cases stating the intensity of legal audit, is a compelling contention for this force; notwithstanding, it needs direct literary reason for the choice. Marshall figured out how to pull off this inadequacy on account of the quietness on numerous issues and the unclear wording of the Constitution. During the early testing period when not many points of reference existed, there was a lot of discussion about central issues concerning what was proposed by the expressions of the Constitution and which some portion of government ought to have the last word in characterizing the significance of these words. Marshall utilized the Marbury case to build up the Supreme Court's place as the last appointed authority. Marshall recognized three significant inquiries that should have been replied under the steady gaze of the Court could administer on the Marbury v. Madison case. The first of these was, Has the candidate a privilege to the commission he requests? The Constitution permits that the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such mediocre Officers, as they might suspect legitimate, in the President alone, . . . (Art. II, ? 2). The Judiciary Act of 1793 had given the President the option to delegate government judges and judges of the harmony; there is no contest that such an arrangement was inside the degree of the president's forces. Discussion emerges in light of the fact that the Constitution is quiet on the specific time at which the arrangement is thought of complete. The Supreme Court decided that when a commission has been marked by the president, the arrangement is made; and that the commission is finished, when the seal of the United States has been joined to it by the [secretary of state]. This decision doesn't have direct sacred help, however it's anything but an outlandish choice. The second inquiry which Marshall tended to was, If [Marbury] has a right, and that privilege has been disregarded, do the laws of this nation manage the cost of him a cure? The appropriate response is consistently yes despite the fact that there are no explicit words in the Constitution to help such an answer. In view of the kind of government expected by the Constitution, the legislature is expected to ensure singular freedom. As Marshall says, [The government] will surely stop to merit [to be named a legislature of laws, and not of men] if the laws outfit no solution for the infringement of a vested right. However, with this attestation Marshall set up the intensity of the Supreme Court to audit activities of the official branch - a force that doesn't stem straightforwardly from the Constitution. The third and last inquiry which Marshall tended to was whether Marbury is qualified for the solution for which he applies. Marshall further partitions this inquiry into two sections: the idea of the writ and the intensity of the Supreme Court. In looking at the idea of the writ, Marshall sets further the Supreme Court authority over individuals from the official branch. Marshall concedes that the official to whom [the writ] is to be coordinated, must be one to whom, on lawful standards, such writ might be coordinated . . . and that the Supreme Court can't enquire how the official, or official officials, perform obligations in which they have watchfulness. Yet Marshall demands that the Supreme Court can issue a mandamus [where the leader of a department] is guided by law to do a certain demonstration influencing the supreme privileges of people. This declaration doesn't have Constitutional premise. The Constitution doesn't explicitly award the Supreme Court control over both of the other parts of government. At long last Marshall gets to the inquiry dependent on which he chooses the case - the Supreme Court's locale over this case. For the first time for this situation, Marshall utilizes direct established premise to make his administering. He contends that, In the event that it had been planned to leave it in the tact of the assembly to allot the legal force between the incomparable and mediocre courts as per the desire of that body, it would unquestionably have been pointless to have continued farther than to have characterized the legal force . . . The plain import of the words is by all accounts, that in one class of cases its ward is unique and not redrafting; in the other it is redrafting, and not unique. He puts together this decision with respect to Art. III ? 2, which counts the cases in which the Supreme Court will have unique ward. Marshall further keeps up that the Constitution is the preeminent rule that everyone must follow. In this conflict also Marshall has protected premise in Art. VI, which expresses, This
Friday, August 21, 2020
Family Medical Leave Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Family Medical Leave Act - Essay Example Until 1993, laborers were helpless before their manager's requests, and would frequently be compelled to leave to oblige their debilitated youngster or feeble parent. Bigger workforces as a rule had some type of a time away, yet there was no normalization or lawful assurance to ensure that your activity would at present be hanging tight for you when you returned. In 1993, President Clinton marked the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that promised US laborers that they would have some measure of legitimate insurance in the event that they are compelled to get a vacation from work to deal with a wiped out relative, or help a lady through the labor time frame. While the goal of the FMLA is sufficiently basic, there are heap admonitions and guidelines that authorize the enactment. The 1993 FMLA, and resulting revisions, have made a law that permits a break to be taken by a close relative to think about a wiped out or harmed relative. The time span permitted is commonly 12 weeks, however this may change in explicit circumstances. Since the law endeavors to oblige a wide scope of situations, and foresee the use of the law, it has various exceptional arrangements and qualifications. The motivation behind this paper will be to obviously characterize the qualification prerequisites for FMLA leave. This paper will disclose what is required to get a leave under FMLA. It will introduce instances of the best possible utilization of the FMLA, just as the inappropriate utilization of the Act. This paper will analyze the potential for extortion and maltreatment under the law, and what is right now done to dispose of or diminish these cases. Likewise, it will clarify the punishment for misuse, and endeavor to uncover why misuse might be hard to recognize and rebuff. It wil l achieve these objectives by looking at the law from the point of view of the person just as the association. While this paper will endeavor to be finished, it is perceived that the quantity of explicit principles, guidelines, and special cases makes a full and point by point clarification past the extent of this paper. The paper will cover the most generally utilized, and most basic demands that are made to bosses by laborers that have a relative needing care. Brief Historical Background The 1993 Act was at long last passed and marked into law by President Clinton after two fruitless endeavors were vetoed by President George Bush SR. in the 101st and 102nd Congresses. A Senate Report from the time noticed the segment unrest of the time, just as the expanding quantities of ladies in the workforce, the quantity of grown-ups who care for their folks, and the developing number of single parent families (Lee, 1993, 8). The Senate further battled that these numbers would have significant ramifications for the lives of working people and their families (Lee, 1993, 8). Generally, single parent homes left wiped out youngsters with no guardian aside from the provider, and maturing grown-ups that would be left to the benevolence of the government assistance framework. In passing the FMLA in 1993 Congress expressed that the Act was to give professional stability just as an appropriate harmony among work and family life for representatives, bringing about expanded laborer profita bility for managers (Lee, 1993, 9). At the time the bill was passed, private bosses had neglected to enough react to monetary and social changes that increased the pressures among work and
Friday, July 10, 2020
Persuasive Essay Topics on Cyber Bullying
Persuasive Essay Topics on Cyber BullyingThe best places to write persuasive essays about cyber bullying are on the Internet. Online, the writers are in full control of their own facts and information. They are also in full control of their writing style as they can tone down their rhetoric to convey their message without losing the emotions they are trying to capture.The online topic is also less expensive to research and write. Most article writers can be hired by schools or companies with the agreed amount as a cost for each article they submit.Because persuasive essay topics on cyber bullying are written from the perspective of a victim, the writer can explain how his or her view has changed from the way it was before the cyber bully's actions. A good writer will outline the good points that a victim has and the bad points of the victim might have had. If there are facts which cannot be disputed and can be proven, the writer can list them. This is helpful when a reader who is not familiar with the subject of the essay is supposed to read it to figure out if he or she agrees with the writer's point of view.The persuasive essay topics on cyber bullying should always show sympathy for the bully. The author should never place blame for the cyber bullying on anyone. It is their actions that caused the harm to others.Another advantage of writing about cyber bullying is that it is a matter of public record. The Internet is such a vast repository of facts that can be used to help educate readers who were not even aware of the bullying. As more people get educated about this problem, the chances of cyber bullying going offline are increased. The world is becoming a safer place.One important point to remember is that when writing your persuasive essay topics on cyber bullying, you are not trying to bash anyone. You are simply explaining why you are writing and what it is you want readers to know. In order to do this, you must remember the facts and the emotion and yo u must use both to your advantage.These persuasive essay topics on cyber bullying are very useful for all audiences. Schools, companies, individuals, and the public at large will benefit from them. Those who are looking for topics that can show sympathy and call attention to the problems facing children these days will find the topic one of the most effective. So now you know what to write about.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Harlem Renaissance By Langston Hughes - 1033 Words
In 1920, there was a new movement beginning called the Harlem Renaissance. After World War I, many blacks migrated from the south to up to the north to places like Chicago, Detroit and New York. The people in Harlem felt the racial pride and this caught the attention of many musicians, writers, and artist. The Harlem Renaissance period lasted from 1920 to around 1935. Even though this period was short, it still lives on though all African American artists today. According to in the article about Langston Hughes, there were many artist, musicians, and writers such as Langston Hughes, who was a huge part of the Harlem Renaissance period. Langston Hughes was a well-known poet and play writer. In the magazine called â€Å"The Crisis†his poem â€Å"Negros Speak of River†was published in 1921 and brought him attention in all the black communities. He also had many religious poems such as Madam and the Minister†. Most of his plays and poems were focused on the life of an African American in the United States. He used musical rhymes and rhythms like black Ebonics to relate to most of the African American community. W.E.B Du Bois was the editor of the NAACP magazine called The Crisis. This magazine company published news in Harlem and was a stepping stone to for black artists, poets and writers to publish their work. Another Magazine was the Opportunity. This magazine brought the racial pride in African American communities and brought exposure to the AfricanShow MoreRelatedThe Harlem Renaissance with Langston Hughes1676 Words  | 7 PagesHarlem Renaissance with Langston Hughes The Harlem Renaissance brought about uniqueness amongst African Americans; everything was new. The visual art, the jazz music, fashion and literature took a cultural spin. During this time writer Langston Hughes seemed to outshine the rest with amazing works. The Harlem Renaissance brought about many great changes. It was a time for expressing the African American culture. It is variously known as the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Literary RenaissanceRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1219 Words  | 5 PagesLangston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance The Harlem renaissance is an artistic revolutionary period that took place between 1917 and 1937. This was after the First World War. Harlem was a district in New York. The Harlem renaissance impacted the social, cultural as well as artistic aspects of the black community. Many black people were encouraged to flee the southern sides where the caste system continued to oppress the black people. At this period, racial inequalities as well as other social injusticesRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance By Langston Hughes Essay1225 Words  | 5 Pages†- Langston Hughes The Harlem Renaissance took place in Harlem, New York during the 1920’s. The movement was an expression of African American culture across the Midwestern and Northeastern states of America, with Harlem being the heart of it. The Harlem Renaissance also left a lasting impression on black writers from the Caribbean and other African Colonies who immigrated to Paris. There were many artists of many different mediums that left a lasting impact of black culture, and Langston HughesRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1909 Words  | 8 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance was a social and cultural movement aimed to alter the conventional notion of â€Å"The Negro†and to expound on African American’s adversities through literature, music, and visual arts. After World War I, Harlem, New York became a central location for African Americans for greener pastures and racial equality. Large quantities of black writers, artists, and intellectuals emerged within the urban scene and played a pivotal role of defining the movement in their respective fieldsRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1736 Words  | 7 PagesAug 2017 The Dream Called Langston As an artist, or literature, music or visual art, there is power in creating pieces that move the masses. For an African American artist in the 1920’s, that power was fought for harder and dimmed due the racial inequalities across America. Being acknowledged as a credible artist was equated to being acknowledged as an American during a time where African American citizens were not considered an equal under the law. The Harlem Renaissance, spanning from the mid 1920’sRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1476 Words  | 6 Pages Langston Hughes, a Voice for the Taciturn Take a time machine back to one of the most culturally-rich times in history, the Modern Age. More specifically, set your destination to northern Manhattan in the early 20s. When you step onto those bustling streets, you’ll find yourself swept up in the Harlem Renaissance. The contemporary writers you are surrounded by are legends such as Langston Hughes and W. E. B. DuBois, and the contemporary musicians you may hear at a local nightclub include some ofRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance By Langston Hughes1703 Words  | 7 Pagesis a quote from a well-known poet by the name of Langston Hughes who served as a prominent figure in African American history and is known for maintaining a significant role in one of the most culturally influential periods for African Americans -The Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance describes a significant era in time where hundreds or artists, writers and musicians living in Harlem came together to form a vibrant, creative community. Hughes along with many other talented and innovative AfricanRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance : Langston Hughes1145 Words  | 5 Pagesplace called Harlem and this is where it all started. Harlem became the training ground for blues and jazz and gave birth to a young generation of Negro Artist, who referred to themselves as the New Negro. The New Negro was the base for an epoch called the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance allowed for the materialization of the double consciousness of the Negro race as demonstrated by artists such as Langston Hughes. During the peak of the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes created poetryRead MoreLangston Hughes : The Harlem Renaissance1151 Words  | 5 Pagesmass movement of people is called the Great Migration. One of the most popular places African Americans moved to was Harlem, New York. This city was a cultural and artistic polestar for people of color. It became known for the start of the African American cultural and artistic revolut ion known as the â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†. Out of the Renaissance came poet Langston Hughes. Hughes’ grandparents were abolitionists and worked to instill the same sense of justice into him, which can be seen in his writingsRead MoreAspects Of Langston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance755 Words  | 4 Pagesdiscrimination, the Harlem Renaissance was a time of emergence for African Americans artists. Several writers such as Langston Hughes emerged during this period. African American writers who emerged during the Harlem Renaissance were heroes to lower-class blacks living in Harlem. Langston Hughes was a household name amongst the lower-class during the Harlem Renaissance. Hughes’s poetry was strongly influenced by the Harlem Renaissance because of his love for the black masses. Hughes was determined to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Issue Of Homosexuality And Homosexuality - 991 Words
â€Å"I think people feel threatened by homosexuality. The problem isn’t about gay people; the problem is about the attitude towards gay people. People think that all gays are Hannibal Lecters. But gay people are sons and daughter, politicians and doctors, American heroes and daughters of American Heroes†(â€Å"Stacy†). In recent years, sexuality, specifically homosexuality, has become a large issue in America. Not to say that homosexuality is something relatively new, considering it was first noticed in the early twentieth century. After World War I, many men and women were dishonorably discharged due to their sexual status of homosexuality. Persecution of homosexuals became rampant. They were brutalized by the police, and often ostracized by family members and their communities. It even went as far as the president at the time, Dwight D. Eisenhower, even declaring that homosexuality was a just enough cause to terminate someone’s employment. However, thr ough a series of events, such as the founding of the Mattachine Society, the first homosexual political organization, homosexuals have been able to acquire more of their rights (â€Å"Allies†). However, there is still a large amount of people who believe that homosexuality is indecent, and that it should not be allowed to happen. I say who are we to get in the way of another’s happiness if we so readily defend our own? I do no believe that others have the right to judge based on their own personal, religious, and emotional views on life.Show MoreRelatedHomosexuality : The Issue Of Homosexuality Essay2033 Words  | 9 PagesBrandon Katerman Mrs. Luckey English 12 CP 5 April 2016 Homosexuality The topic of homosexuality has been touchy for hundreds of years. Just recently has the constant abuse and isolation of homosexuality been brought to light. Members of the LGBT+ community have to face different life struggles that most people would never have to deal with and because of that, they have to live their lives with many mental illnesses and thoughts of feeling alone and like they do not belong in this world. AccordingRead MoreThe Issue Of Adolescent Homosexuality2435 Words  | 10 Pagesthe offensive nature of these words/phrases, this project will help assist with opening the minds of my peers to help eliminate biases, stereotypes, and prejudices associated with being gay. There are several reasons why adolescent homosexuality needs to be addressed not only in schools but in the country as well. First of all, suicide rates among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender students have increased over the years, bringing the total to up to 30 percent (the estimated 5,000)Read MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Homosexuality992 Words  | 4 Pages Homosexuality is a very controversial issue that has emerged in our society. Depending on one’s upbringing and mentality, individuals have formed their own personal opinions and have taken sides either to support or to oppose the issue. Homosexuality throughout the years has sparked so much controversy that it was brought to the United States Supreme Court, which is known to be the highest court in America. It is up to the justices of the court to determine how states and society will view andRead MoreWhy Homosexuality Is Not Just An Issue960 Words  | 4 PagesReview Introduction. In People to be Loved-Why Homosexuality is not Just an Issue, Preston Sprinkle goes into an in depth discussion about homosexuality and how it is not just about being an issue and sin, homosexuality is about the treatment of the people. The tone of this book is conversational, making the understanding of the issues at hand much easier to comprehend. Summary. In People to be Loved, Sprinkle wrestles with the ideas of homosexuality in the Bible, as well as, reflecting us backRead MoreCultural And Ethical Issues Of Homosexuality855 Words  | 4 PagesThe world today faces many cultural and ethical issues that some believe are only relevant in today’s day and age. The Bible bluntly states that homosexuality is a sin. However, would it still be considered homosexuality if there were a gender change surgery before going through with the immoral act? There are many scripture verses in the Old Testament that evidence the demoralization of a sex change both then and there and here and now. The bible goes into depth explaining that God painstakinglyRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage And Homosexuality1082 Words  | 5 PagesA Brief Explanation of Where the Culture Now Stands and What It Means to Christians I wish to share some thoughts with you on the issue of same-sex marriage and homosexuality, though most of what you will read here seems somewhat distant from that topic. From some of the rhetoric I have read, the growth of these practices in our society establishes a sin of special significance, a sin that denotes God’s rejection of America and a proof of judgment against our nation. Granted, scriptural passagesRead More Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues - Homosexuality and the Media1555 Words  | 7 PagesHomosexuality and the Media     There are many different aspects of life that Americans are exposed to on television each day. Some examples are things such as violence, sex and alcohol and in todays more accepting society, the issue of alternative lifestyles. This issue was not as predominant ten years ago as it is today. Yes, for many years there have been sexual undertones in many popular television shows or movies, but it was not until recently that these actors and actresses were actuallyRead MoreEssay about Homosexuality: A Public Issue?1798 Words  | 8 PagesHomosexuality: A Public Issue? Richard Mohr believes that outing closeted homosexuals is morally justified. He argues that sexual orientation is not a private matter and therefore, does not violate a homosexuals right to privacy. He believes that outing will increase the homosexual community by creating positive role models. He argues that remaining in the closet is morally debasing and creates indignity to ones self. Claudia Card on the other hand, argues almost the complete opposite. SheRead MoreEssay Gay and Lesbian Issues - Homosexuality Is Wrong1594 Words  | 7 PagesHomosexuality Is Wrong       Within the past several years gay and lesbian rights has become a huge issue. Gays and lesbians have started to come out of the closet, and proudly admitting their sexuality. In the past few years gays and lesbians have been fighting for the right to marry, and adopt children. So far there is only one state that allows gays to become married. People have become more and more open minded with homosexuality. Twenty years ago homosexuality was looked down uponRead More Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues - Homosexuality is Abnormal and Immoral1489 Words  | 6 PagesHomosexuality is Abnormal and Immoral    Of all topics most popular in todays media, issues concerning homosexuals and homosexuality in general top the list. Homosexuality is generally defined as a sexual relationship between partners of the same sex. Debate concerning its causes and consequences has been going on for many centuries and almost in every period in human history. However, never before in human history has it been granted such wide scale acceptance in western society as it has
Concepts Strategic Management of Information Systems
Question: Discuss about the Concepts Strategic Management of Information Systems. Answer: Introduction: Strategic management is one of the integral elements for the success of entire organization. It comprises the formulation and implementation of the planning for business activities so that the organization can attain pinnacle of business achievements. The strategic management is also quite effective for assisting the organization to achieve long-term objectives. The strategic management can be influenced by various factors such as industry attractiveness, resource based view and competitive advantage. The current paper is focused on evaluating the impact of these three factors on the strategic management. In order to evaluate the strategic management Johnson Johnson has been selected. The company has been in recent news due to a controversial strategic management issue, which has caused punitive damage to their customers. The evaluation would also help to recommend several crucial ways to enhance strategic management by improving the application of industry attractiveness, resource based view and competitive advantage. According to Pulles et al., (2016), the traditional sense of the industry attractiveness refers the ease and magnitude of the industry that can provide extensive profit to the organization. In this context, it can be easily assumed that the level of ease in the industry would effectively influence the strategic management of Johnson Johnson. In addition to that, the Johnson and Johnson would be also bound to adopt innovating strategic management with the rising risks within the industry. Grant (2016), also argued that the strategic management is highly dependent on various factors that are related to the external market environment. The most significant factors that have the capability to impact the strategic management approaches are rate growth in demands of services and goods; width of margins; as well as number and strength of the competitors. On the other hand, Hill, Jones and Schilling (2014), stated that the strategic management is also extensively dependent on the resource based view of the organization. The application associated to the tangible as well as intangible resources, which are at the disposal of Johnson and Johnson greatly defines the strategic management of the company (Lin, Wu, 2014). Moreover, Thompson et al. (2013), suggested that the company needs to make their business decision on the basis of their resources in order to gain proper success in the corporate world. The major goal of the strategic management is attaining a competitive edge against the competitors. In this context, Kiss and Barr, (2015), mentioned, the resource based view is a most effective approach that evaluates the organizations capability for attaining success. It has immensely assisted to undertake proper decision in regards to attaining strategic management approach efficiently and successfully. In todays world, each organization operates in a highly competitive industry, and hence it must adopt strategies that can help it outperform its rival organizations. As mentioned by Dobbin and Baum (2014), importance of the competitive advantage of an organization helps an organization to focus on the future prospect as well as help to obtain more improved strategic plan for better management of the organization. Johnson Johnson intends to outperform its competitors of the market, and consequently the organization keeps on modifying its strategies. While the organization has been mostly popular for the baby products and hygiene products, the organization has recently initiated and adopted the market diversification policy. Hence, the organization has expanded its market by including new pharmaceutical products (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). Besides, the geographical expansion strategy is also a new strategy of the organization. Since Johnson Johnson has been encountering stiff competition from organizations such as Bayer UG, Eli Lilly Co., the organization is trying to strengthen its geographical presence by expanding further in Japan, the second largest pharmaceutical market of the world (Carroll, 2015). Pulles et al. (2016), mentioned that the organization is able to expand its target market, gain greater recognition, and enjoy competitive edge with the appropriate implementation of proper strategic management. Besides, the change in the strategy management of the organization is also caused by the recent accusation brought against the organization that claims that the products are responsible for causing cancer. It has effectively helped the organization to gain the competitive advantage over its competitors, which is most essential factor for sustaining in the contemporary competitive market. Hence, the organization has adopted a set of new CSR policies (Herper, 2017). The CSR policies form an integra l part of the strategic management of the organization, as by implementing the CSR policies, the organization intends to improve its reputation and regain consumer reputation. In addition to that, CSR policies would be also helpful to attain the competitive advantage over the competitors. The organization has recently committed itself to the purpose of improving the lives of the underprivileged women and children of the rural parts of the world, and building healthcare capacity for training the health care experts of the underprivileged countries (Thompson et al., 2013). Besides, the organization has also started a few disease prevention campaigns as well. The adoption of these effective CSR policies, backed with effective promotion, helps the organization gain competitive advantage over the new organizations, and helps it in gaining consumer goodwill among the residents of different countries (Ward Peppard, 2016). In order to achieve most desired success, Johnson Johnson need to undertake several major steps that would immensely improve its strategic management approach. First of all, the organization needs to evaluate the market in a detailed manner and with the help of proper scientific tools. This way the organization would be beneficial, as it would gain most useful information for critical decision making. The critical decision making would be also benefited with the help of evaluating the organizational capability. In order to do that, the organization have to analyses its resource based strengths and weaknesses. It will help Johnson Johnson to undertake necessary decisions for responding to the rising risks. At the same time, the organization has to also increase its brand image around the market. The organization would need positive brand presence among the customers perception. In order to do that, the organization should incorporate the idea of CSR in the operation of its business activities, which can help it regain consumer faith. This will evidently increase the competitive advantage and the organization would be helpful to fight the competition of the contemporary world. With the help of these several steps, Johnson Johnson will be improve its strategic management approach eventually. Reference List: Carroll, A. B. (2015). Corporate social responsibility.Organizational Dynamics,44, 87-96. Dobbin, F., Baum, J. A. (2014). Introduction: Economics meets sociology in strategic management. Advances in strategic management, 17. Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Herper, M. (2017).Company Will Raise $1 Billion To Create Blood Test To Detect Cancer.https://Company Will Raise $1 Billion To Create Blood Test To Detect Cancer. Retrieved 6 January 2017, from https://Company Will Raise $1 Billion To Create Blood Test To Detect Cancer Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., Schilling, M. A. (2014).Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Kiss, A. N., Barr, P. S. (2015). New venture strategic adaptation: the interplay of belief structures and industry context. Strategic Management Journal, 36(8), 1245-1263. Lin, Y., Wu, L. Y. (2014).Exploring the role of dynamic capabilities in firm performance under the resource-based view framework.Journal of Business Research, 67(3), 407-413. Pulles, N. J., Schiele, H., Veldman, J., Httinger, L. (2016).The impact of customer attractiveness and supplier satisfaction on becoming a preferred customer.Industrial marketing management, 54, 129-140. Thompson, A., Peteraf, M., Gamble, J., Strickland III, A. J., Jain, A. K. (2013).Crafting Executing Strategy 19/e: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. McGraw-Hill Education. Ward, J., Peppard, J. (2016).The Strategic Management of Information Systems: Building a Digital Strategy. John Wiley Sons.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Buddhist Tradition Dependent Co-Arising Essays - Madhyamaka
The Buddhist Tradition: Dependent Co-Arising Buddhism is a timeless tradition that has its origins dating back to before the birth of Christ. Founded by the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, the tradition follows basic principles such as the belief in the Three Marks of Existence, the Four Noble Truths, and the concept of dependent co-origination. The Buddha, or enlightened one, taught a unique form of philosophy. Within his doctrine of the Four Noble Truths, Buddha proclaimed that suffering could be stopped because all things that cause it are dependent of one another. He essentially believed that life was a series of events that were all conditioned by certain factors. This theory of dependent co-origination is one of the staple elements of Buddhisms history, concept of dharma, and the religions understanding of the surrounding world. At an early age, the Buddha led the life of an ascetic. He devoutly searched the world to find an enlightened truth or nirvana. The Buddha promoted his answer to enlightenment, or the middle way, after he reached a state of nirvana. The concept rejected both extremes of the sacrifice of the body from nutrition, and of living heartily without sacrifice as paths toward a state of nirvana. Buddha had many disciples and accumulated many followers up until his death around 483 BC. After the his death, a council of monks gathered and collected his teachings and the oral traditions of the faith into written form, called the Tripitaka. Because of the oral communication of the Buddhas sermons, the Tripitaka is full of phrases such as, The Buddha taught, and It is said. From these oral communications, the concept of dependent co-origination arose. The text suggests that Buddha explained the term dependent co-origination as a series of connected events conditioned by certain factors. The conditionally of all of these connected events in life can be both mental and physical. A thought or a physical act can manipulate a certain moment in time, which will lead life down a different path. A Buddhist concentrates on these variables and believes that they will lead him or her to an achieved ultimate enlightenment. All things, either mental or physical, arise and exist due to the presence of certain events and cease to exist once those variables also cease to exist. Consequently, these variables can question the Buddhists belief of the existence or non-existence of fate. A Buddhist believes that the outcome of life is based on actions alone instead of a pre-determined destiny. Dharma, or the moral conduct or duty of a Buddhist, is the one thing that the Buddhist strongly believes shapes their ultimate path towards a state of nirvana. Buddhists believe that their lives are connected and happen according to Dharma. Dharma is a variable, which causes one to perform actions and receive the results of those actions. Dependent co-origination and dharma practiced positively constantly condition the path to prevent rebirth, or achieve nirvana. Nirvana, therefore, is the only independent state of a higher reality in which dependent co-origination ceases to exist. A repeated idea within the dependent co-origination concept is that all things are constantly becoming. This means that life is constantly conditioned and ever changing. Buddhists place emphasis on what things become rather than what they are. Events that happen in the surrounding world are never structured or set in a certain way but always changing in an unstable environment. Therefore, the quote from Nhat Hanh describes Buddhas dependent co-origination teaching that the outcome of a certain event is defined by and dependent on the outcome of previous event. Nothing can stand totally independent of any other event. For thousands of years, Buddhism has been an established and practiced philosophy and way of life. Today, millions of people still follow the teachings of one man who claimed to have found mystical enlightenment far beyond the threshold of reality. He also succeeded in making his form of enlightenment accessible to the masses. Through the practice of the Buddhas teachings, any devout follower is sure to walk the enlightened path. Through the concept of dependent co-origination, Buddha taught that all events are interconnected and consequential of a persons actions. Followers that wish to understand the sufferings of the surrounding world and start on
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
What Should Jennifer Do Essay Example
What Should Jennifer Do Essay Example What Should Jennifer Do Essay What Should Jennifer Do Essay Heather has a point in saying that Jennifer should consider the job offer in Korea despite the contract that was signed in the Midwest Consulting. She has a point by saying that it will be more difficult for both Jennifer and the Midwest Consulting if Jennifer will continue to work there knowing that there is a better and more suited opportunity for her across the Pacific. However, Jennifer should consider talking and negotiating to the Midwest company. After all, there is a binding contract between her and the company. She should take some time in considering how she can argue in her defense. The company has all the legitimacy to file a case against her if she will abandon the contract. The only solution for this is to come up with a good talk in the company defending and arguing for her actions. The company would surely understand her situation if she can present it in a good way. Jennifer should never abandon and just fly to Korea without the permission of the Midwest consulting.I n her negotiation with the company, Jennifer should prepare some incentive for the Midwest company in case the company does now allow her to go. One of the best thing Jennifer can do is to present and refer some potential employee that can take over her position. In this case, the company will not be damaged in anyway. Lastly, in case the negotiation is successful, Jennifer should never forget that she must hold a paper saying that the Midwest clearly let her go without any obligation. In this sense, Jennifer can fly to Korea with ease that she took care all the problems that may arise in the future.ReferencesHooker, J. (2001) A Case Study: What Should Jennifer do? Carnegie Mellon University. Print. Accessed 6 June 2010.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Building consumer demand by using marketing
Marketing munication can be increased by using social media sites. This assignment will describe about the chosen article â€Å"The use of social media: an exploratory study of usage among digital natives†. The objectives of the study will be mentioned in this assignment. Electronic word of mouth and web 2.0 has appeared as an event of significant interest to marketers.  The article will be critically analysed in this assignment to get better understanding about the chosen article. Individual reflection shows the work advance knowledge of subject which can be utilized in real life by marketing practioners. The main object of the article is to analyze the importance of social media in the academic life of students. The research report has described about the knowledge of students regarding social media platforms and in depth notion of customer generated contents. Next section explains the digital natives in terms of age and behavioural characteristics. Another objective of the article is to understand about web 2.0 and word of mouth munication. The explicit theory framework is used in this research to describe the master phenomena. The description about the web 2.0 and electronic word of mouth is made under this theory. It has been analyzed that the term of web 2.0 defines the platforms that are connective and offer users with the ability to incorporate various media within their content creation. Analytical technique, instructional instruments, social media platforms, consumer generated message viewership and customer generated message creation are used in this article to analyze the article (Steyn, Wallstrà ¶m and Pitt, 2010). The central concept of this article is word of mouth in marketing munication. This concept is clearly defined in this article. It has been said in this article that word of mouth is mature exercise as are people municating with one another. They have b e the major part for the marketing mix for panies (Li & Bernoff, 2008). The discussion has been made about the web 2.0 world of marketing in which word of mouth happens on all municative digital media sites. It has been estimated that more than 85% firm in united states are applying the word of mouth strategy. The word of mouth strategy es out in the business when the orientation provider has no risk in the business (Li, 2010). The main argument has been made on digital natives and it has been argued in this article that a higher educating marketing firm defined that technology has b e so advanced and as recognizable as a knife to this college age market segment. On the other side it has been argued that customers gradually more use digital media not for researching the products and services but for engaging with organizations they buy along with other customers who may have effective insights (Williams, Crittenden, Keo and McCarty, 2012). The specific hypothesis of this assignment is that Generation C who born after 1990 is truly digital natives. The key attributes of Generation C is that they how to live in an adequate manner and they are much involved in the puters and latest technology. The main strength of this assignment is used methodology. The sample has been collected from millennial aged undergraduate college students of United States of America (Packaged Facts, 2010). The minimum age is considered as 19 years old and the eldest age is 21 years old. It is the strength because the selected age is perfect to analyze the tentative study of usage among digital natives. It would encourage them to encourage the campus events or they can use consumer produced content as a need of their jobs. The weakness has been found in this article is that there are so many students in selected sample who utilized their social media ecosystem for the reason of promoting their goods and services for those panies for which they are working. The risk has analyzed that the credible power in this the network of word of mouth will be eliminated for the extended time if the orientation provider lose the chance of the growth in the business. The hypothesis of this article is defined below: Qualitative research has been chosen for this article in regarding content analysis which permits the examination of the experience of social without unambiguous prospects. Sample, analytical technique and instructional instrument are used in the article for researching on digital natives. In the context of sample, data has been collected from a convince sample of the undergraduate students who were studied in the marketing class. 74 students were selected for sample in which the youngest student was 19 years old and the eldest student was 21 years old. Content analysis is being used in the analytical technique in mass munication research which was considered as appropriate analytical technique for surveying the descriptions of process within the phenomenon of culture of social media. Instructional instrument is a written assignment which was given to all enrolled students. The main concept of this written assignment is to get the response of students about the usage of social media for marketing. It was the big approach to motivate students for using the social media by sharing their experiences. Evidence is provided in this article to define the social media platforms and providers. The table has given which shows the social media platforms used by students. There are various digital social media platforms available which is helpful for marketing. It has been found that 50% students are engaged with blogging and 96% of the students are active on Facebook and twitter. 70% of the students were connected with text messages because text messaging was in the content prompt. Another table has been reflected in this assignment which was categorized in segments and number of students. Segments have divided into spectator, creator, joiner, collector and critic. 73% of the students answered to more than one of the five segments. For instance, an individual can have seen himself in the condition of critic as well as spectator. The literature is the description about the chosen topic which describes the scope of the topic. The article has defined the digital natives and electronic word of mouth which includes the web 2.0. It defines the stages that are extremely interactive and offer the aptitude to put together dissimilar media in their content formation. On the other hand web 1.0 was defined by one way and unreceptive munication. It is characterized by a process in which people are continuously the provider and giver of information. The social media platforms enable the opportunities for attract that did not survive a decade ago. For instance, it has been analyzed that more than 700 billion minutes are used by so many users on Facebook (Trainor, 2012). There are approximately 30 million stories, images, videos and contents are being shared by people on Facebook (Facebook Statistics, 2010). You Tube is another social media where the number of uploaded videos are high and the views has increased by two bill ion per day (YouTube, 2010). It has been found that millions of people building trillions of bonding by social media each day. In that scenario, the role of Web 2.0 has made the electronic description of unfounded information munications. The digital native is the person who born during the age of digital technology and so well known with internet and latest technology from an early age. The article has described the Generation C consumers who love content creation and mashing. Generation C consumers prefer to municate in an adequate manner. The tendency of generation C students is to work more creative industries (Gil-Or, 2010). Consumer generated content is not encouraged mercially but it is a form of electronic word of mouth (Muà ±iz and Schau, 2011). Essentially, the opinion of customer is about the product and services and after satisfying with the services and products, customers share their views, experience and beliefs with other people by using web. The ou e of this articl e is fit in to the wider literature. According to Hansen, et. al., (2011), there is numerous different social media platforms that provided to students as instance to quick their thinking in the term of text messaging, podcasts, and social networking and discussion groups (Zahay & Fredricks, 2009). Moreover, to discriminating the platforms utilized by this group of college student customers, the description about the particular providers were asked to respondents. The article is aimed at universities’ students of USA. The research shows that student should judge the true suggestions of liberty of speech (Crittenden and Klepper, 2010). Another audience of this article is Generation C who born after 1990. The credibility of author is trust worthiness because the authors David L. Williams, Victoria L. Crittenden, Teeda Keo and Paulette McCarty are professors of top USA universities. â€Å"The use of social media: an exploratory study of usage among digital natives†is credible as it has been published in Journal of Public Affairs (2012). This journal article is published online in Wiley Online Library which shows the credibility of the journal article. The credibility of this article can be judged by viewing the number of references which is authenticated. The used language of author is clear and concise which can be understood by readers. The predominate mode of this article is analytical as author used qualitative research to explore the research topic. Sample, analytical technique, instructional instruments, social media platforms and customer generated message formation are being used in this research to show the involvement of people in social media. It can be r mended that further research should evaluate the statistics and search for disparity between and among a multiple characteristics of demographics. The texts can be improved by using the more analytical data because it has been found that the study of this article was unable to connect different countries of source in the shown data. The analytical source has been chosen for collecting data in which the written assignment and content analysis were considered. These approaches and sources did not enable the pilation of the data. It has been r mended that further research should report for the effects of national so it can see if there are differences in country majorly in the utilization of the specific platforms and providers. The implications of the article for marketing practioners would be effective because it has described the use of different social media platforms for encouraging the market growth. This article assisted me to expand my knowledge regarding web 2.0 and electronic word of mouth which has huge contribution in the growth of market. I can use these social media platforms in my business as marketing practioner. The limitations and future research have been described in this article which assists me that the ment of personal social media should not be posted from any internet sources until and unless it is private. It concurs with my own experience because people has b e advanced and give preference to online marketing instead of going outside. By using these marketing munication techniques, marketing practioner can attract the customers towards the provided services and products. It has been concluded that the entire objective of this investigative research is to evaluate the multiple of electronic word of mouth in the context of Generation C market segment and this segment is generally defined as digital natives. The critical analysis of the article has been done by evaluating the objectives, methods, evidence, credibility, style and audience. Individual reflection has shown the position of social media sites in the life of marketing practioners. Crittenden, V. and Klepper, K., 2010, Social media and the b-school. BizEd, pp.72-73. Facebook Statistics, 2010, Facebook statistics, accessed on 26 th February 2018, from: https://www.facebook / press/info.php?statistics. Gil-Or, O., 2010, Building consumer demand by using viral marketing tactics within an online social network. Advances in Management, 3(7), pp.7-14. Li, C. & Bernoff, J. 2008, Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies. Harvard Business Press: Boston. Li, C., 2010, Groundswell. Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Strategic Direction, 26(8). Morrison, M. and McMillan, S., 2010, January. Oh, user, who art thou: an examination of behaviors and characteristics of consumers in the context of user generated content. In American Academy of Advertising. Conference. Proceedings (Online) (p. 77). American Academy of Advertising. Muà ±iz Jr, A.M. and Schau, H.J., 2011, How to inspire value-laden collaborative consumer-generated content. Business Horizons, 54(3), pp.209-217. Muà ±iz, Jr, A.M. and Schau, H.J., 2007, Vigilante marketing and consumer-created munications. Journal of Advertising, 36(3), pp.35-50. Packaged Facts, 2010, Millennials in the U.S.: trends and opportunities surrounding Gen-Y adults. accessed on 26 th February 2018, from: https:// www.marketresearch /product/display.asp? productid=2661911. Steyn, P., Wallstrà ¶m, Ã…. and Pitt, L., 2010, Consumer-generated content and source effects in financial services advertising: An experimental study. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 15(1), pp.49-61. Trainor, K.J., 2012, Relating social media technologies to performance: A capabilities-based perspective. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 32(3), pp.317-331. Williams, D.L., Crittenden, V.L., Keo, T. and McCarty, P., 2012, The use of social media: an exploratory study of usage among digital natives. Journal of Public Affairs, 12(2), pp.127-136. YouTube . 2010, Youtube, accessed on 26 th February 2018, from: /t/press. Zahay, D. & Fredricks, E. 2009, Podcasting to improve delivery of a project-based internet marketing course. Marketing Education Review 19(1): 57–63.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Talking Bacteria Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Talking Bacteria - Assignment Example n exploit this ability of the bacteria to develop drugs against the toxin as they could understand, the formation of quorum is the right stage when the bacteria produce toxins. Quorum sensing initiates the release of toxins by bacteria for instance, V. cholerae. Every bacteria has its own autoinducer, to communicate with its own kind. This is a signalling process which aids in bacterial communication to aggregate, to form a quorum, to perform their function. 3. Basic scientific research that explores the answers to questions with no practical goal in mind. Some politicians and taxpayers are opposed to spending tax dollars on basic research because such research has no obvious practical application. How does the basic research leading to the discovery of quorum sensing in photobiotic marine bacteria help justify the expenditure of taxpayers’ money? Basic research is the basis of all the advanced research. Quorum sensing enabled one to understand that bacteria do communicate through signalling pathway either to release toxin or to perform some beneficiary role. This signalling resulted in aggregation of bacteria and they bioluminescence only when they are close to each other, indicating that they are going to perform some imperative role. This basis enabled researchers to understand the nature of microbes, production of antibiotic/ toxin and helped researcher to develop drug. Each bacteria has its own autoinducer molecule, for instance, Gram-negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa use different versions of AHL molecules (acylated homoserine lactones) to communicate while Staphylococcus aureus use peptides. These autoinducer molecules are signal molecules which help bacteria to aggregate or form quorum, as after forming quorum they produce toxins. 5. Many types of animals that live in the depths of the ocean – where there is no light from the sun – have light-emitting patches. Scientists have discovered that these patches contain glowing bacteria;
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Critical review and comparison of 2 refereed and related journal Literature
Critical and comparison of 2 refereed and related journal articles in the field of business information management - Literature review Example 1st journal -strengths The paper ‘Customer Perspectives on E-business Value: Case Study on Internet Banking’ written by Rahmath Safeena from its title reflects an important issue in the modern banking sector exhibited by the author. Along with that the author have also used keywords like internet banking, information and communication technology (ICT); perceived usefulness, ease of use, risk, awareness which are appropriate in examining the customer’s perspective (Safeena, 2010, p.5).Before moving into the discussion of the subject matter with in depth analysis, a brief literature review has been provided by the author reflecting various aspects of internet banking (Safeena, 2010, p.6). Identification of the research methodology is a crucial factor in executing research in a rigorous manner on a particular topic and also helps to deliver robust inferences. In this paper the process of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is being used for analyzing the extent of the acceptance of the internet banking system by the customers. The incorporation of the TAM model is a judicious application for reflecting the perspective of the customers related to the internet banking system (Safeena, 2010, pp. 6-7). ... Empirics also reveal that there has been a positive correlation between the above two variables in the study of internet banking (Safeena, 2010, p.7). Applying proper statistical techniques it has been also found that when the online banking is perceived as useful then the customers are prone towards using internet banking. The findings state that usefulness, ease of use and risks are the prime parameters which affect positively the acceptability of the internet banking procedures (Safeena, 2010, pp.8-11). 1st journal -Weaknesses The author have mentioned description of different types of internet banking as well as different security issues in the literature review part but have included all the references which are old in their year of publication which are majorly around the year 1999-2000 and one or two references in the recent years like 2006 (Safeena, 2010, p.7). Again, in the strength section the process of TAM is mentioned which is indeed a good method of executing the resear ch. But still this process suffers from some limitations. The first limitation is attached with the explanatory power of the model. Empirical results also found that the existing studies account for less than 60% of the variance explained especially those used by the professional users (Sun & Zhang, 2006, p.53). The sample used in for the purpose of research is students of business and economics students of an educational campus. But studying only the perspectives of the students will not provide any general conclusions about the overall public perspectives on the internet banking. (Khan & Mahapatra, 2009, p.35). The method of questionnaire has been used in carrying on the research and in the paper it is stated that relevant questions have been
Friday, January 24, 2020
My Educational Philosophy Essay example -- Philosophy of Education Tea
My Educational Philosophy A question that I have heard from several people in my life ever since the school year started is, "Why do you want to be a teacher?" Originally, I thought I just wanted the summers off. The truth of the matter is, I just want to make a difference in the lives of students. I have had teachers in my life that have pushed me way beyond even my own expectations of myself, and have had a very big influence in my life. I have also had the teachers that just accepted mediocrity, that didn't push the envelope, and those teachers I can honestly say I did not learn anything from. It was one of the influential teachers that prompted my decision to enter the teaching profession. I was in a completely different program of study, heading towards a totally different goal, until one day he looked at me and said, "What are you doing? This isn't you. You have potential to do so much more, and you'll never reach it doing what you are doing." It was this statement that made me sit back and realiz e that something needed to change. It was that something that led me to the Teacher Education Program at Concord. Once I started thinking about the reason that I wanted to be a teacher, I realized how incredibly idealistic it sounded. When we discussed educational philosophies in class, and when we went over the idealist, I thought, "that is definitely the philosophy that is geared towards what I want to be and the environment that I want my classroom to have." My goal as far as what I want when I enter the teaching profession is to be an effective history teacher. I love History, and I believe that my interest in History spurs off of the fact that I had several excellent History teachers in high school tha... ...ld be free to test all their ideas and explore values. He believed that children should participate in determining what their education should be. Schools are public servants. They are there for the children, and if they don't meet the needs of the children, they have failed as a public service institution. Once I graduate from Concord, I hope to pursue a Master's Degree and further my educational prospects. I have no idea what kind of teacher I will be. My ambition of course, is to be the teacher that every student loves and respects. Furthermore, I want to be the teacher that someone will look back at one day and say, "I am part of what I am because I had her for a teacher." Idealistic, yes, but if I don't believe in myself, and my students then I am defeating my whole purpose as an educator, and that is to make a difference in the lives of my students.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
the heart of the services product is the experience of the customers which takes places in real time . The concept of services capes was developed by booms and bitner to emphasize the impact of the environment in which a service process takes places .They defined it as ‘the environment in which the services is assembled and in which seller and customer intersect , combined with tangible commodities that facilitate performance or communication of the service In the service encounter the customers is in the factory and is part of the process production and consumption of the service are simultaneous where the firm and the customer interact (Baker and Cameron 1996 ) It encompasses several factors related to the delivery of service which includes all the physical , behavioral , and emotional aspects that surround services delivery The research is purely based on the idea of ?Servicescape? which has emerged as an important concept for understanding customers behaviour in service ind ustry. Service providers should build environments that develop environments that appeal to consumer pleasure and arousal states while avoiding atmospheres that create submissiveness. The construct environments should be such that, it facilitates the operational ease and efficiency of the firm. Today the Business thinking has changed; it has come closer to the customer or to be more apt to the consumer.It can be observed that the consumer’s decision making for purchasing a product or service is not limited to the tangibility but to the whole product including the environment of delivery. Similarly the place or physical environment where product or service is delivered is of great importance. As said by Philip Kotler â€Å"One of the most significant features of a total product is the place where it is bought or consumed. In some cases , the place, more specifically the atmosphere of the place is more influential than the product itself in the purchase decision.In some cases the atmosphere is the primary product†. The above quote signifies the importance of servicescape in selling of a product or service. Booms and Bitner defined a servicescape as â€Å"the environment in which the service is assembled and in which the seller and customer interact, combined with tangible commodities that facilitate performance or communication of the service†It includes facilities exterior (landscape, exterior design, signage, parking, surrounding environment) and facilities interior (interior design ; decor, equipment, signage, layout, air quality, temperature and ambiance).The aim of this research is to focus on how important is servicescape in terms of atmospherics in zara that impacts consumer’s perception and attitudes to buy this service. It is quite important for this industry to concentrate on physical attributes apart from food served consumers are quite sensitive about the ambience, lighting, decor, music These factors may drive the motiva tion and decision making aspects of consumer behavior , as well as the time spending and the experiences at the end . t constantly changes in to make the experience of visiting the museum more enjoyable and fruitful each and every time the physical environment doesn t just influence customers , it influences employees as weel . idealty the business enviroment should cater simultaneously to the needs of the employees as well as the customers customers and employees perceive the environment holistically as a composite of three dimensions . ambient conditions , spatial layout and functionaity , sign , symbols and artifacts. ach dimension may affect the overall perception independently ans or through its interaction with the other dimensions . ambiant conditions: they are notable when they are extrem hot cold ect.. , when the customers spend large amount of time in them , when they don t match one s expectations spatial layout and functionality : important self service setting , complex ity of task , situation when time is short sign , symbols and artifacts re important in forming first impressions , communicating new service concepts , repositioning a service , hughtly competitive industries to differentiate from competitors . Elements of servicescape affect customers' perceptions of the service experience Main Elements According to Bitner (1992) 1. Ambient Condition – condition surrounding employees and customers that can be sensed through a human's five senses (i. e. eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin). thise carachteristique of the environement pertaining to our five enses . even not consciously noted they may still affect . they create a mood that is perceived and interpreted by the custonmers they are perceived both separately and holistically . 2. Spatial Layout and Functionality Spatial Layout – the seamless layout of furnishing which is used to achieve maximum productivity in the most efficient and effective manners 3. Signs, Symbols, Artefac ts and Branding – the icons or signals that amplify the message from the buyer to the intended customers.The music in the cinema was played at barely audible volumes , the music have a powerful effect on perception and behaviour . the music was mostly played in the place where they was the bar / restaurant and we could hear it better and then it was very light in all the other place . this kind of music low but still energetic have an effect on their pace and behavoiur as they will tend to adjust to the mmusic in this case this is made to be confortable lowering their stress level , making you want to stay and will increased their level of impulse purchase in the restaurant or the bar .An ambiant smell is one that pervades an environment , the most present smell is the one of pop corn , this smell that is often associated to cinema so it make you want to consume and to buy some . neverless the scent is mostly present in the snack area . and by passing near to it the smell mak e the customer aware of an hunger and suggest a solution . this smell is typically present on cinema . Colors have a strong impact on people feeling . he cinemawolrd is mostly based on the colors blue a dark blue , instead of most of the others cinema that are using a lot of red wich give a feeling of warm and high energy that can exited and stimulate the company choose to use the blue wich is coolest , but represent relaxation , serenity and loyalty it help for relieving headach wich is a good things as a cinema can become crowded and with full of young people it can be annoying for some customers also Great color to give that impression Blue is calm, True and Honest.It is a symbol of peace, tranquility and good will Dark Blue is Moving, soulful and compassionate. This blue has heart and emotion. . . neverless they are using a lot of other colors in the different area , in the arcade display the color is orange wich are warm color with energy Orange calls to mind feelings of ex citement, enthusiasm, and warmth. also for the snack area the atmosfere is totally different the color whyte is the most present the ligh are more bright the flor is also whyte carrelage all of this element give a eeling of space , but white is used also to give a sense of sterility wich can be great as this is where food are served so it reassure people but with the goods that are well showed and visible to the customers it give colors to the place and can attract . the lounge area is a mix of blue and red mixing a warm color with a cool one could be a bit strange but this association is often used in diverse place tjhis association give a feeling of warmth and stimulate but in the same time relax and serenity , the parquet on the floor wich is brown add a feelin of confort .The screen room are all black with low light wich give a great feeling of warmth * Orange is often used to draw attention http://fortunerep. hubpages. com/hub/Color-and-Emotion-Association Additional elements 1 . Virtual Servicescape – where the employees or the customers are not in the same physical area, but they are interacting via an electronic media – the Internet. Read more: http://www. oxbridgewriters. com/essays/management/physical-evidence-and-servicescape. hp#ixzz2MmE4NyXX A brand of a product or service is a bond (positive or negative) between the buyer and seller Brand is also seen by customers as to perceive risk, value, and signal the quality of the product or service Branding and servicescape are inseparable Branding is something that let the product or service stayed in customers' minds http://www. slideshare. net/ahmad1957/servicescapes-presentation . http://www. ukessays. com/essays/marketing/servicescape-in-uk-restaurant-industry-marketing-essay. php http://scholarworks. umass. edu/cgi/viewcontent. cgi? rticle=1177&context=gradconf_hospitality A servicescape plays four important roles. Package Servicescapes ‘package' the service offer and communicate an image to the customers of what they are going to get. Appropriate servicescaping is a sure shot way to create an image that the service provider is seeking to put up. It also helps moderate customer expectation and reinforces his experience and reminiscences. Servicescape is an outward appearance of organization and thus can be critical in forming initial impressions or setting up customer expectation.Facilitator Another important job of servicescape is to act as an a facilitator in assisting both the customers and service employees to make most of the opportunity it should make the service consumption comfortable convenient for the customer. Socializer Design of servicescapes aids in socialization of both the customers and employees, conveying expected roles, behavior and relationship. Differentiator Clearly the design of the servicescape differentiates one provider from its competitors, and hints at eth segment the services are targeted at.Companies adapt servicescape to reposi tion the services or identify new customer segments. Conclusion Although it is useful from a strategic point of view to think about the multiple roles of the servicescape and how they interact making actual decision about servicescape design requires an understanding of why the effects occur and how to manage them. The roles played by servicescape in a particular situation will aid in identifying opportunities and deciding just who needs to be consulted in making facility design decisions.Ambient Condition – tries to give the best premium shopping experience to the customer store is designed aesthetic and professional with high ceiling and luminous ambiance to create a sense of openness and spaciousness . indeed the with color is predominent on the store it directly give you a feeling of consumers able to sense that the premises are young with all the color but in the same time even if the price proposed are low , it doesn t show up in the store as the place is spacious white it give an imoression of upscale etail shope †¢male security guards in front of main entrances – security is also one of the elements for high-class people who prefer to have a sense of security when entering premises Staff is wearing a red shirt with black pant and other blue shirt that help reinforce the image of the company Spatial Layout and Functionality Spatial layout act on the emotional customers responses .The batiment is fully air conditioned on the summer and on the winter heater righ when the customers enter the stores wich reinforce the feeling of feeling safe and confortable main entrance made from clear tampered glass to provide spaciousness and a sense of welcome to any who want to enter , also there is a vitrine display outside that attract customers to enter by putting the commercial advertissement the first stage where †¦. is not really confortable to be in as there is huge colonne in the middle even if necessary its not aeteticke also the elevat or are in the middle of the room separating it . he bulding an original architectural shape that are differents from other bulding in its area we directly consta that this is a cinema . Escalator are a good way insrtead of using stairs like the cinema in occonel street people can just let themslef lift and as there is 4 stages it have an influence on the psychological customers responses . Also the seat are actinmg on the psychological response from the cutomers even if there are a little small comparing for exemple with some seat in the usa wich can be almost the dobble . he batiment is well decorated with a lot of advertissement for the movie , also there in each stage a pancarte helping the custoners to find its way as the cinema is really big and have 4 stage . there is escalator that are placed in the center of each stage so people dont have to look everywhere to find them and they found themlseves in the center of the room being able to decide where to go next , there is also a lift and stairs . the cinema is well equiped for handicaped people as he provide a lift and for the stairs a †¦.. to help them have access to the screen room . n each screen room there is place in the middle of the front row for handicaped people there is also 2 seat at each side so if they come accompanied they can seat with their friend . the cinema also care for the mom that came with babies as they is a changing room out of thel adies restroon so they can have theyr own place . also on the lounge area the structure of the place is well managed providing two style of place like a restaurant and like a bar the mix of the place providing to each of its customers an ambiance but in the same area . he cinema also is provided with a ticket collection machine making the process to take its tikect more easily neverless they are placed on the oposite from the guichet and on the wall wich can be hard to find as you will not think to look there , but they put a big sign signaling it to the customers . 12 guichet are placed on the left side we can see them directly from the entrance , there is a queue defined by a line that help to stay organised . the number is great when there is a lot of people . n the second floor where the snack area is there is also guichet , the menu are well display with picture showing and putting in evidence the goods and price , there is also menu before so when you doing the cue you can already choose , there is there 8 guichet disponible and accroding to the average number of customers comming there is more or less staff present wich can be an error as for example with only two guichet open but a lot of customers people will have to wait and then miss the biggining of the movie wich can have a hudge negative impact on the consumer experience . he cinema is also furnished with some arcade place that are displayed in every stage permitting to have fun and wait the movie playing with your friend . the cinema also provide banch and lit tle waiting room between the screen room . the restroom are in all the main stage 1 2 and three were there is most of the activities , neverless there are little and only two or 3 toilet are there for a big cinema like cineworld that can have a lot of cutomers that can be an inconvenient . here is also a garage for car , so people can come with there car and are in the cinema even if the cinema is weel placed in the center of dublin in a well known street car will alswys like to just have to come park and leave rapidely . the situation of the batiment is also real good has taxi are often there and can drive you right in front of the cinema . he screen room are weel equiped with a lot of seat , even if some of them especially from the side don t have a good view of the screen and be anoying to see the movie like this queuing up to obtain ticke can be long so poster of upcoming movies and entertainment news to ease perception of long wait . there is tv showing the movir that are orese nted with the hour and availability . the restroom are clean and brightly lit a hugde mirror is intalled there is a distributor of woman prodcut but there is no hand owel only one hand when the cinema is in a high peak of people it must be overcrowded and maybe , odorent. It s well designed with no bad seat sufficient lighting to locate the seat , spacious , confortable chair with one drink holder on each seat and a suitabnle temperatures . An easy exit through a brigly lit and safe surrounding The distributor that are placed all over the batiment are good Imax facility sign symbol artifacts many things in the environement act as explicit or implicit signals to communicate the firm images , help customers to find their way and convey the rules of behaviour . or exemple there is a pancarte indicating at the entrance the differente stage and what you can find in eact of them . there is one in each stage that are place next to the elevator so if the customers go up or down he will just have to llok at it to know where to go . also there is no smoking sign , the tickel collector is writted in silver and big letter to attract the attention and coorect the fact that the machine can easly be unsee . the restroom are weel indicated as weel as the changing room . the lift area is not well display . he lighting in the parking and the bulding is well its not too bright inthe inside wich give a feeling of warmt and confort and as the ceiling are high it doesnt give a feeling small place . just in front of the bulding is a lampadaire witch give a great light just in front of the cinema so people can fell safe especially at night . there is maternity and handicaped parking close to the entrance wich demonstrates a sense of caring and understanding of customers needs . this also can act on the belief of the consumer or employees and create an approach feeling . nvironmental psychologist suggest that individuals react to place with two general and opposite behaviour approach wich include all positive behaviour that migh be directed at a particular place such as desire to stay , explore , work and affiliate and avoidance behaviour wich is the opposite . clearly a company will want to developpe a approach behavior toward their business and in the same time descouraging avoidance behavoir . and per consequent building loyalty with a consumer , and this behavior is influenced by its perception of the environement . he servicescape also influence the degree of sucess consumer experience inside the service organisaion and the realisation of its goal . bu creating positive internal response that will lead to an approach behaviors . the employee and custormers interaction have a major influence in the experience of the cosummer , †all social interaction is affected by the fisical container in wich it occurs †they suggest that the surounding will affect the interaction the progression of event . rcade the environement condition will have an impact on the nature of the social interaction , the physical environement influence hightly the behviour of the customers , it is in this point of view that they have created area for customers to have fun or o enjoy some time between friend and waiting for the movie to start as this can be anoying to always have to check befor at what time is the movie will begin if you are just walking and want to see a movie you will have to either find the timetable in internet or go to the cinemas to check it but then we will have to wait there so in order to make people have a great time by waiting they created facilities in the cinamas for example we can find a lot of arcade game in the store . lso a place to eat drink a coffee are present as well as retroom . as a message creating medium : using symbolic cue to communicate to the intended audience aboutn the distinctive nature and quality of the service experience as an attention creating medium to make the servicescape stand out from those of com peting establishement and to attract customers from target segment as an effect creating medium using colors textures sound scents and soatiacl design to enhance the desired service exoerience and or to heighten an appetite for cetains goods service or experiences the servicescape cleacrly communicates and reinforces the cinama positioning . he fact that the employee are present at the end of the movie is also an important part of it , by doing this customers are able to see by themselves that the cinemas is left clean and regularly cleaned for its customers employee have an important effect to and represent the company as well so they have to do a good impression . use of seat instead of staying standing up wich help them and reduce their level of displeasure , also they are working close to each other wich give them a sensation of group and friendship so when their is no customers during a time instead of staying alone they can simply talk with their collegue and that help to spen d the day . and then feel more relaxed and happy rather that being agitated and stressed . also for the cleaning they sometime do it by group of two reinforcing the team basis . t s alway more easy to do something when you are not alone act on the emotional and psychological responses from the employye as this will have a positive affect on the moods and feeling and its comfort. The company is one of the most important cinema present in dublin its well known and have a lot of good review neverless it still could be improved For exemple the sound qualitie can have a different perception according to people some may think its to loud other to low so in some screen room audio casque could be provided like on the plane . but they will have a high quality of sound in order to give a great experience to the customers as the sound is really important in a movie and to provide people stolling them they could be ratached to the seat with a long cord .Also , even if cinemaworld provide some a rcade place theyre are small and separated , they could construct a bigger one by using one of the waiting area between the screen room like the cinema gaumon t multiplex in france that have a vast arcade place to play with distributor of snack they could install some couch and make it a good place to wait for the movie. where they could also meet other people . Cineworld could also replace some of the seat and add a holder of pop corn because usually people came with one popconr and one drink so having to hold one can be annoying sometimes like for the cinema in miami . where the seat also have a place to put there feet and can slowdown there seat to be really confortable they also use a system where the arm of the seat can be elavated giving more confort and better feeling like home . On the parking lot , they could put color coded floors to help customers remember wich alley they are or numeroted them . ike on a aerport The ligh house cinema situated in dublin is well known to pr ovide a book-club, an innovative collaboration with Chapters Bookstore (one of Dublins finest bookshops) where a different book and film adaption are picked each month for discussion. so they can associate movie and book and speak it s a good way to meet people . The cinema can have a lot of people present in the room so it will be good to place a personne that will be in charge to watch if people are too loudy and annoy other spectators and then provide a good experience . like in miami Also in some horror movie a proffesional could be placed and could help people if they are too shoked by some scene from the movie . A little cyberescape could be placed in the cinema where people
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
A Great Deal About Carl Jungs Theories Regarding the Significance of Dreams Free Essay Example, 3500 words
As building blocks of the collective unconscious, Jung suggested that archetypes could take just about any particular form, but almost always represented the same basic ideas. Jung also called these components dominants or mythological primordial images. The archetype has no form of its own, but rather can be described as a need or an instinct. It is something that is not felt like a specific desire for any one particular thing (Pierce, 2007). Pulling largely from the individual s understandings of mythology and legend, the archetypes can provide a great deal of information about the various issues one might be dealing with personally, professionally and as a citizen of the world as they operate within the world of the dream. Some of the more common archetypes identified by Jung include the Mother, the Shadow, the Hero and the Teacher. These are not necessarily individuals or even specific faces that are seen in a dream but are instead used to refer to sets of concepts such as the security, comfort and support one typically associates with images of the mother, or the sequential growth process that occurs as a part of every hero journey. We will write a custom essay sample on A Great Deal About Carl Jungs Theories Regarding the Significance of Dreams or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page The anima or animus is the archetype through which you communicate with the collective unconscious generally, and it is important to get into touch with it.
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